Indian Ocean Beaches

Escape to the dazzling tropical beaches of the Indian Ocean coastline stretching from Kenya to Tanzania. The shimmering stretches of white sand and blue-green water of the Indian Ocean make Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar extraordinary African coastal holiday destinations. Engage in aquatic adventures, like water jet-skiing, waterskiing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, world-class diving and snorkeling to explore underwater realm of brightly colored marine life amidst reefs of curious, odd and eerie coral.

Bamburi beach hotel

North Coast

sands at chale island

South Coast

Sandie tropical villa

Malindi and Watamu

The tides lodge

Tanzania Coast

hotel white sands

Dar es Saalam

Indian Ocean Islands

Dreaming of a tropical getaway? Think of dreamy beaches, silky warm seas, lush scenery, and endless sunshine. Escape to paradise with our top pick beach destinations in Kenya, Tanzania and the Islands.


Lamu Island


Zanzibar Island


Mafia Island


Pemba Island

E.A Lake-Side Beaches

One of the best ways to get away from stress is to spend a few days relaxing by the beach. And you don’t have to get to the coastline to enjoy this, the East Africa Rift Valley has plenty of them to choose from. Offering crystal clear warm waters for snorkeling and sandy beaches, the Great Lakes are understandably a popular option to explore after a safari.

Lake view at Mfangano

Lake Victoria - Kenya


Lake Turkana

Emerald kivu resort

Lake Kivu

Brovad sands lodge

Lake Victoria – Ssese Islands